Support the green shareholder in Big Oil
Oil companies only listen to their shareholders. Follow This unites shareholders in their fair ask for climate action.

Climate change is a problem we can solve
To stop the climate crisis, we need to ramp up the energy transition and cut back on fossil fuels. This means the oil industry has to go green. But Big Oil is still pushing back against change, even though they have the resources to lead the way. With your support, Follow This can maintain pressure on the industry to reduce all emissions.
Change the system by entering it
Shareholders hold the key to tackling the climate crisis because they have significant influence over corporate decisions at Big Oil. Follow This encourages large investors, like pension funds, to use their voting power and back our climate resolutions. In doing so, shareholders support the long-term interests of companies, the global economy, and the planet.

The most impactful shareholder in Big Oil
By filing climate resolutions and constant global media coverage, Follow This has become a strong driver for change in the Big Oil industry. Since 2015, we have gained increasing support from large shareholders, forcing major oil companies to take responsibility, set emission reduction targets, and invest in clean energy.
How does Follow This work?
Follow This is a civil movement that offers a unique and pragmatic solution for climate change. On behalf of its members, Follow This owns shares in major oil and gas companies which gives us the right to file proposals for a vote. With enough support for our climate resolutions the company has to listen to their shareholders. That is how we change big oil from within.

Join our green movement
Feeling powerless in the face of climate change? Join Follow This and be part of a movement that makes real impact. Together we move Big Oil and the planet toward a greener future.

Be the change
We change the system from within. As more and more large investors back our climate resolutions, the oil and gas industry can no longer ignore our urgent call for a sustainable future.

Why it works
Big Oil won’t change unless their shareholders demand it. We're targeting the heart of the problem by convincing large shareholders in Big Oil to use their power and vote for change.